D. P. Bostwick & Associates, Inc.
Market Research
Insight. Determination. Innovation.
the challenge
Some people spend a whole career just studying the surface of things
while others try to understand what's beyond the superficial.
Providing actionable insights to stakeholders in all aspects of decision making requires dedication, passion and commitment. But the key to success, based on considerable experience in strategic planning at many levels, is the ability to step outside one's "comfort zone" and to be able to convince others to do the same. The most valuable insights are rarely the most obvious, except in hindsight. But perhaps their greatest value is that their impact is felt and continues to generate return on investment well into the future.
The most important measure of the capability of market research is whether you can find the nugget of insight that will unlock the potential to understand and explain what is driving consumer behavior at the deepest and most consistent level. Organizations that label themselves "Consumer Insights" set a high level of expectations. Emotional Intelligence plays a significant role in the ability to discover the patterns of motivation that lead to success in the marketplace.
If everyone could see the relevant pattern in the marketplace that leads to success by studying the surface of things, we would all be successful all of the time. We constantly seek out new ways to "get to the bottom" of the issue, whether it is developing new tools or developing and refining new ways to use old tools. Innovation is not so much about what the tool was originally designed to accomplish, but how it can be used to solve tomorrow's problem.